Don’t let the Shame Gremlin in
Life happens. People happen. Over the years we endure set backs, trauma, loss, attacks, disappointments - various forms of pain. In a society where a WW2 mantra of “ Keep Calm and Carry On…” still acts as a subliminal undertone, we carry painful experiences with us as we grow and evolve. Every little and big nightmare piles up, almost entering our DNA. No surprise then that we sometimes react in what can be perceived in an irrational manner; we simply short circuit. Over time this can lead us to question our ‘sanity’ ; have you caught yourself asking “ What is WRONG with ME ?”
This short question acts as a fast track to growing a monster of guilt and shame. To squash this emerging gremlin, change your narrative to “ What has happened to me ?” Feel the difference yet?
Therapy can help in making sense of what has really happened to you.